Thursday, April 14, 2011

I miss...

Skipping class because, eh, I'm just not feeling it today.
Free football games and the traditions that go along with it.
Sunday night dinners with friends.
Someone who opens and closes doors for me.
Weekly happy hours and the gossip that goes along with it.
Spin classes after class.
Getting dressed up for silly parties.
Laughing so hard that my stomach hurts.

I miss being a student.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Race for the Roses 2011

While I've definitely looked better, it's always a nice feeling to finish a half-marathon.  It's even nicer when you finish 10 minutes faster than your previous fastest half-marathon time.  :)

A slightly better post-race photo (thanks to the blurring), along with my finisher's medal, which they handed out when you picked up your packet the day before.  Kinda anti-climactic, but I still love adding another medal to the collection...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Quote of the week...month...year?

Never despise small beginnings,
and don't belittle your own
accomplishments.  Remember
them and use them as inspiration
as you go on to the next thing.
When you venture outside your
comfort zone, wherever the starting
point may be, it's kind of a big deal.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bad Idea...

Here's a thought: if your stomach has been bothering you for the past two days, running is not a good idea. Even if you've been feeling better for the past 6 hours...

I've got a half-marathon to run on Sunday.  Taking it slow for the rest of the week might be a good idea...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Words to Live By When Things Get Tough...

"Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together."
~Elizabeth Taylor

Tuesday, March 22, 2011